Space Boutique Hostel: Recommended in Yangon, Myanmar!

I was a bit surprised when browsing a hostel for my trip in Yangon, Myanmar, on August 18-20. There were so many inexpensive recommended hostels in downtown Yangon, wrapped in a clean and pretty interior design. After a few minutes of thinking, comparing one hostel to another, I decided to stay at Space Boutique Hostel for 2 nights.

Referring to my previous experiences in other South East Asian cities, booking a cheap hostel means we have to deal with hard bunk bed, low light room, unsatisfying breakfast, or dirty bathrooms. But Space Boutique Hostel offers beauty, cleanliness, convenience, and super friendly staffs.

Rooms and Price at Space Boutique Hostel, Yangon

This pretty hostel can be booked from USD 8 / person / night for an 8-bed mixed dorm. Pretty cheap, right? Private rooms are also available for those who don’t mind spending more bucks. I booked this hostel from my favorite online travel website,, and that was pretty easy. We pay the whole bill when we arrived at the hostel.

friendly staff of space boutique hostel, yangon

As many hostels do, the rule says that check-in time starts from 14:00 PM. But we arrived at around 10:00 AM, and — without asking allowance — we were greeted and permitted to enter our room. That was a big help for us! We landed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on August 17, sleeping in that freezing airport, and caught a flight to Yangon the next morning. So, yes, we didn’t have enough proper sleep.

Strategic Hostel Location in Downtown Yangon

Space Boutique Hostel is located at the corner of Street 32 and Anawrahta Road. Five minutes walking to the famous Sule Pagoda, the bus stop, Mahabandula Park, Bogyoke Market, Chinatown, and Yangon Central Railway Station. Shwedagon Pagoda, Kandawgyi Park, and Karaweik Palace can be reached in 10 minutes bus ride. Further, Chauk Htat Gyi Temple, Nga Htat Gyi Temple, People’s Park and Square, and Inya Lake are about 20-30 minutes bus ride.

Street foods, air-con cafes, even shopping malls are surround the hostel, for example: Sule Square (a brand new and luxury shopping mall), KFC, and Junction City.

Please note that Space Boutique Hostel is at the 3rd floor of a building, above a clothing store. So, when you reach the corner of Street 32 and Anawrahta Road, look up carefully and you will see a round sign of Space Boutique Hostel. I think it’s just 2 or 3 buildings from Sule Square.

clean space boutique hostel, yangon

spacious shower of space boutique hostel, yangon

sinks of space boutique hostel, yangon

our 8-bed mixed dorm of space boutique hostel

From Yangon International Airport, we grab a taxi for 9 USD, the normal price is 10 USD. Going back to the airport charged 6.000 Kyat or 6 USD for a cab without air-con. When a driver offers their first rate for you, make a bargain. Airport taxi will ask 12 USD for the first time.

Hostel and Room Facilities

Space Boutique Hostel in Yangon, Myanmar, has a super cozy common room! The living room provides some chairs, a round table, some books, flat screen TV with both Burmese and cable channels, freezer, and free coffee from 7 AM to 4 PM. One thing I love most: this room has bar chairs facing a clear window! So you may sit on the chairs, drinking coffee calmly, while watching street scenes below. It’s fun, isn’t it? 😀

Showers and toilets are separated. They are spacious, clean, and well managed — largest hostel bathrooms I’ve ever seen! The hot water runs well and comfortable enough. Free liquid soap and shampoo are there if you need them.

I had a good sleep when staying at Space Boutique Hostel, Yangon. The beds are comfortable, clean, each are equipped with personal reading lamp and charging port. Two towels are prepared on each bed for its guest, formed in a bird shape. They were very sweet ❤

Unlike many hostels do, breakfast here is served by a male staff behind a bar. The staff prepares two slices of bread, a banana, and egg for us. Oh my God, I love the breakfast! While many hostels only have breads and instant coffee for the guests, Space Boutique Hostel offers more. Breakfast is from 7 – 9 AM only, so make sure you turn your phone alarm on! 😀

had my breakfast while watching the street scene

a male staff preparing my breakfast

satisfying breakfast of space boutique hostel, yangon

coffee maker of space boutique hostel, yangon

The coffee is brewed from a coffee maker. Guests may choose black coffee, cappuccino, chocolate, or latte, then add sugar as they want. This is very interesting service for a coffee-addicted guy like me.

Oh, I really enjoyed my stay at Space Boutique Hostel, Yangon. Cheap, clean, good location, good service, and good facilities. The staffs speak English, but the girl behind the front desk is better than the boys. I want to go to Yangon again, and I will undoubtedly stay at this satisfying hostel. If you have further inquiries about Yangon and the hostel, shoot me a message to or find me on social media (see this blog’s sidebar). Stay tune for more reviews and stories about my trip in Yangon, Myanmar.

50 komentar

  1. Hannah denton · · Balas

    Sounds like you’ve found a great accomodation choice! I love too, they’re fab! Loving your blog, your adventures look amazing ✨✨✨

    1. Yeah, thanks to for brought me there 😀

      It was a nice getaway!

  2. You made a great choice, the hostel looks great and it sounds like you had a great trip. Thanks for the tips, I have not considered Myanmar but you have inspired me to look at it as a new destination

    1. Myanmar is good if you love history, culture, or nature. Glad to be your inspiration 🙂

  3. Pesen di Booking dan Agoda emang murmer yah, bagus2 lagi tempatnya.

    1. Aku malah lebih seneng pesen di situ daripada web-web lokal hehe. Tapi kadang harus compare sih.

  4. Trus aku bengong kamu nulis pake bhs inggris…

    Semalem $8 murah ya

    1. Hahaha. Koko syok ya? Iya muraaahhh.

  5. Kapan yaa bisa nyusul…

  6. Hendi Setiyanto · · Balas

    selalu deh pakai kutang doang wkwkwk apasih ini komennya

    1. Silir, mas. Ayo kutangan bareng.

      1. Hendi Setiyanto · ·


  7. is always my only alternative to find accommodation anywhere in the world…
    The room looks neat anyway…

    1. When browsing an accommodation abroad, is a good deal. For a domestic trip, I usually compare prices in to local OTAs such as Traveloka and Pegipegi.

  8. Good deals!
    Kalau di Singapore hostel setara itu gak bakal dapat $8 ya T.T

    1. waduh, di Singapura mah minimal 15 USD kali haha

  9. dan aku berasa bego banget liat tulisan berbahasa Filipina ini. wkwkwkwk…. berasa jet lag.. pernah ngalami jet lag parah, padahal waktu itu cuma ke Bali…. beda satu jam…. dan selama tiga hari pun masih bengong. jam nya kok beda sih? kok jam segini udah gelap dan sepi bgt sih? Kok aku bangun siang banget si, padahal di jamku masi pagi? wkwkwk… ini ni sama kayak ini….biasanya baca yg bahasa indonesahh ganti…. jadi bahasa Hungaria… #lebay…

    ini aku juga sambil itung2 Mas.. 9 usd dikali 13rb berarti 117ribuan taksinya.

    hostel 8 usd berarti…100ribuan. kok murah?

    1. Hahaha. Cobalah ke Singapura atau Malaysia, mas. Di sana, jam 7 malem itu baru mulai gelap 😀

      Taksinya agak mahal, tapi hostelnya murah bangeeettt. Di negara lain, harga segitu mah dapetnya hostel buluk yang kasurnya keras hahaha

  10. Sepertinya dari tahun ke tahun semakin banyak pilihan tempat menginap nih di Yangon. Dulu awal tahun 2012 saya nginep di hotel yang lumayan jauh dari Sule Paya. Kalau jalan kaki sekitar 30-45 menitan kalau gak salah. Terus dua tahun yang lalu saya nginep di satu hotel yang menempati gedung tua di sekitar Sule Paya nan sumpek tapi eksotis. Semakin banyaknya penerbangan ke Yangon sangat membantu industri pariwisata kota ini sih, ditandai salah satunya ya dengan semakin banyaknya alternatif tempat menginap. Di sana sempet nyobain mohinga gak Nug? Salah satu makanan sarapan khas sana.

    1. Udah agak lama ya mas Bama ke Myanmar. Kayaknya kalau ke sana lagi akan melihat banyak perubahan 😀

      Cobain, mas. Dari awal udah bertekad mau cobain Mohinga. Dan kesampaian, malah 2 kali hehe.

      1. Dari 2012 ke 2015 aja perubahannya lumayan drastis. Mungkin next time ke Yangon bakal lebih banyak lagi yang berubah.

        Enak kaaan? Seger-seger gurih gimanaa gitu.

      2. Enak. Yang pinggiran jalan aja enak.

  11. How confinient and economical. And you got to meet lots of new people

    1. Yes, it is. That’s why I highly recommend it to you, guys.

  12. hostel tapi bersih dan rapi banget ya. susah-susah gampang cari hostel yang begini. murmer tapi nyaman

    1. Iya bener, mas. Bikin hepiii.

  13. wuih ini hostelnya lbih kece kaya aku kmrn. Hostelku kaya ruko tua gitu tapi makanan oke dan pelayannya baik banget

    1. Ini juga eksteriornya lawas gitu. Tapi interiornya dipoles modern.

  14. Lokasi startegis cuma 8dollar?? Great deal bgt

    1. Dan ini bukan the only one, koh. Ada beberapa lagi di Yangon. Hepi deh di sini hahaha.

  15. […] Budget hotels or hostels are mushroomed around Sule Pagoda, but most of them are located in a same building with shops. So, when you’re looking for your place to stay, look carefully. I stayed for 2 nights at Space Boutique Hostel, and i highly suggest you to stay there! Why? Read the full article HERE.  […]

  16. Sempit ya kamarnya. Tapi tetep lumayan sih, ada hostel di sana, secara Myanmar baru in beberapa tahun belakangan.

    Soal booking, favku itu agoda.

    1. Iya sempit, tapi jarang di kamar mas. Di kamar cuma buat tidur, dan itu sudah difasilitasi dengan kasur yang nyaman hehe.

  17. duhh tau myanmar masih terjangkau gitu jadi pengen segera kesana
    *brb cari tiket ke Yangon*

    1. masih, Endah. Baik dari segi akses maupun terjangkau dalam arti biaya hidup, semuanya bener.

  18. Baik ya hotelnya walau belum waktunya check in tapi mereka mengijinkan kita masuk lebih awal. Yang beginian membuat perjalanan makin menyenangkan

    1. Iya baik, padahal udah siao kalo cuma bisa naroh tas doang.

  19. Seru nih buat rame-rame sama temen ato keluarga. Suka juga sama keramahan sfafnya.

    1. Iya cocok juga buat keluarga yang anaknya udah agak gede, mas.

  20. […] ringan dan Ricky yang kepayahan menyeret koper besarnya di atas trotoar tak rata, aku mencari-cari Space Boutique Hostel yang sudah kami pesan. Setelah beberapa kali wara-wiri dan bertanya kepada penjaga toko, kami […]

  21. […] Space Boutique Hostel tempat kami menginap, kami berjalan kaki menuju halte bus yang ada di depan Sule Pagoda. Dari halte […]

  22. Cheap ya hostel ya 🙂 Jadi transportasi dalam kota kebanyakan naik bis ya? Ada kereta semacam CommuterLine gitu nggak?

    Dee –

    1. Ada commuter line! Namanya Yangon Circular Railway, biasa dipake buat dari pusat kota ke suburb.

  23. Kirsty Louise Prowse · · Balas

    This is so cool! I stayed somewhere similar to this in Ljubiana 🙂

    1. Wow, your story changed my impression about Ljubljana. The city turns out to be more modern and stylish than i though then 😀

      Anyway, thank you for stopping by, Kirsty.

  24. […] Space Boutique Hostel: Recommended in Yangon, Myanmar […]

  25. […] ini memang banyak nama jalan yang menggunakan nomor, kayak di Kamboja. Kami berhasil kembali di Space Boutique Hostel dengan selamat. Usai sedikit beristirahat, kami lalu berkemas meninggalkan hostel menuju Yangon […]

  26. […] Bentuk lain kemanjaan gue dalam perjalanan adalah soal pemilihan hotel atau hostel. Dulu, kalau cari hostel di luar negeri, gue akan saring dari yang paling murah dan hostel itulah yang bakal gue pesen. Sabodo teuing sama dekorasi atau reputasi. Sekarang, gue liatin skor dan lokasinya bener-bener dong. Gue maunya hostel dengan skor minimal 8, terus lokasinya harus deket dari akses transportasi umum. Juli 2016 lalu, gue pernah kena zonk pas nginep di Bangkok. Hostel yang gue pesen kamarnya jelek banget, lantainya dari karpet tipis, kasurnya tipis dan keras, nggak ada sarapan, nggak ada air minum gratis pun. Padahal itu adalah open trip. Malu banget yekan. Salah satu contoh keberhasilan ini adalah: Space Boutique Hotel […]

  27. […] sesama backpacker. Apalagi, hostel jaman sekarang udah banyak yang instagrammable juga, contohnya Space Boutique Hostel di Yangon, […]

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